Blueberry farm CZ - 30.03.2021
Implementation of a blueberry farm, including protection against hail, protection against birds and also against pests. The basic construction is a combination of wooden perimeter poles and central concrete poles. The building is covered, including access and handling routes, and pest protection is provided by an insecticide net.
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Skladový areál Cerhýnky,
28102 Cerhenice (mapa)
+420 603 265 970,
Otevírací doba:
Pondělí až středa 9,00 až 15,00 hodin
Jiný termín po telefonické dohodě
Sídlo a fakturační adresa
Nedbalsystem s.r.o.
Jaurisova 515/4, Michle,
140 00 Praha 4 (mapa)
IČ: 09165738, DIČ: CZ 09165738
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